Oil Paintings
Select another artist Allcot, John Ashton, Julian Rossi Ashton, Sir Will Beauvais, Walter John Beauvias, Paul Bryant, Charles Burnett, William H Coffey, Alfred Collingridge, Arthur Craig, Sybil Forrest, Haughton Fullwood, Albert Henry Hart, Pro Haxton, Elaine Hong, Fu Jackson, James R Johnson, Robert Lamorna-Birch, S J Lindsay, Percy Lister Lister, William Marriott - Burton, Harry McKay, Eric Muir Auld, James Nedela, Janis Payne, Francis Mallalieu Perry, Adelaide Power, Harold Septimus Rehfisch, Alison School, English Shaw, James Shead, Garry Somerville, Stuart Soper, James Thomas Spowers, Ethel Steadman, Jason Storrier, Tim Syme, Eveline Wakelin, Roland Watt, Amy Williams, Rhys
HauHaughton Forrest born France 1826, arrived Tasmania 1876, died Hobart 1925.
Educated Jamaica and Germany. His early married life was spent in England where he engaged in a military career He painted prolifically, his subjects including Tasmanian lake and mountain landscapes, ship portraits, fishing boats off the English and French coasts and dark, stormy seascapes with wrecks. Typical of his work is a high standard of finish and close attention to nautical, topographical and botanical detail.
Exhibited two paintings at the Victoria Academy of the Arts in 1887. His work was seen in a number of survey exhibitions in the 1970s and 80s including Australian Art in the 1870s, AGNSW, 1976; Tasmanian Vision, TMAG & QVMAG, 1988 and the Bicentennial exhibition The Face of Australia.
He is represented at the National Gallery of Australia, Art Gallery of South Australia, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (Launceston); National Library of Australia, Mitchell and La Trobe Libraries, corporate collections including Cascade brewery, Hobart; ICI.
Oil on board
27 cm x 38 cm