Oil Paintings
Select another artist Allcot, John Ashton, Julian Rossi Ashton, Sir Will Beauvais, Walter John Beauvias, Paul Bryant, Charles Coffey, Alfred Collingridge, Arthur Craig, Sybil Forrest, Haughton Fullwood, Albert Henry Hong, Fu Jackson, James R Johnson, Robert Lamorna-Birch, S J Lindsay, Percy Lister Lister, William Marriott - Burton, Harry McKay, Eric Muir Auld, James Nedela, Janis Perry, Adelaide Power, Harold Septimus Rehfisch, Alison School, English Shaw, James Shead, Garry Somerville, Stuart Soper, James Thomas Spowers, Ethel Steadman, Jason Storrier, Tim Syme, Eveline Watt, Amy Williams, Rhys
1885 - 1976
An exhibition of studies of children, by Frank Payne (Mrs. Clinton), will be opened at the Australian Fine Art Galleries today. Most of the paintings, and the best of them, are in oils, and the remainder in water-colours. The artist's work is fresh and vigorous. She has made an affectionate study of the gestures and expressions of children and has recorded them generally in a mildly-impressionistic manner that is very pleasing.
Extract from SMH 8/12/1932 page 10.
Oil on board
30 cm x 23 cm