Oil Paintings
Select another artist Allcot, John Ashton, Julian Rossi Ashton, Sir Will Beauvais, Walter John Beauvias, Paul Bryant, Charles Burnett, William H Coffey, Alfred Collingridge, Arthur Craig, Sybil Forrest, Haughton Fullwood, Albert Henry Hart, Pro Haxton, Elaine Hong, Fu Jackson, James R Johnson, Robert Lamorna-Birch, S J Lindsay, Percy Lister Lister, William Marriott - Burton, Harry McKay, Eric Muir Auld, James Nedela, Janis Payne, Francis Mallalieu Perry, Adelaide Power, Harold Septimus Rehfisch, Alison School, English Shaw, James Shead, Garry Somerville, Stuart Soper, James Thomas Spowers, Ethel Steadman, Jason Storrier, Tim Syme, Eveline Wakelin, Roland Watt, Amy Williams, Rhys
John Allcot was born in Derbyshire, United Kingdom on the 13th November 1888. He arrived in Australia 1912 and died 13th July 1973.
He was a marine painter, studying in England at the Liverpool School of Arts. He was commissioned to paint H.M.S. Endeavour Entering Botany Bay, 29th April, 1770, and similar historical subjects. He became well known for his impressionistic watercolours of sailing ships and liners, often viewed entering Sydney Harbour.
He also painted occasional landscapes and still life.
Allcot is represented in state and regional galleries including Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth and the Manly Art Gallery, Sydney.
E.E.H. Archibald, Dictionary of Sea Painters, Antique Collectors Club, Woodridge, Suffolk, 1980.
Oil on board
30 cm x 47 cm