Oil Paintings
Select another artist Allcot, John Ashton, Julian Rossi Ashton, Sir Will Beauvais, Walter John Beauvias, Paul Bryant, Charles Burnett, William H Coffey, Alfred Collingridge, Arthur Craig, Sybil Forrest, Haughton Fullwood, Albert Henry Hart, Pro Haxton, Elaine Hong, Fu Jackson, James R Johnson, Robert Lamorna-Birch, S J Lindsay, Percy Lister Lister, William Marriott - Burton, Harry McKay, Eric Muir Auld, James Nedela, Janis Payne, Francis Mallalieu Perry, Adelaide Power, Harold Septimus Rehfisch, Alison School, English Shaw, James Shead, Garry Somerville, Stuart Soper, James Thomas Spowers, Ethel Steadman, Jason Storrier, Tim Syme, Eveline Wakelin, Roland Watt, Amy Williams, Rhys
Of French descent, Paul Beauvais was born in 1966 and is a fourth generation artist in a direct line from his great grandfather, Charles Henri Beauvais (1862-1909), grandfather, Arnold Beauvais (1866-1984) who was President of the London Sketch Club, and finally his father, Walter John Beauvais (1942-1998) who was one of England’s favourite artists.
He has had three successful solo exhibitions since 1998 at Campbell’s of Walton Street Gallery in London. His paintings are strong, bold and enthusiastic. His unique self-developed style employs the use of thick impasto, often broken and skewed to reveal rich earth tones underneath. With deliberate sureness and clarity he is able to extract the maximum artistic expression that any scene can give.
With no formal art education his self-developed ability has been achieved directly through the family environment. Much of Paul’s childhood was spent in the studio unconsciously learning many important techniques and skills. With the continuous encouragement and drive from his elders, his artistic flair was constantly under review. He has been a professional artist
for the last ten years.
Paul is married, has three children and now lives in Australia.
Oil on canvas
19 cm x 24 cm
Oil on panel
25.5 cm x 19 cm