Oil Paintings
Select another artist Allcot, John Ashton, Julian Rossi Ashton, Sir Will Beauvais, Walter John Beauvias, Paul Bryant, Charles Coffey, Alfred Collingridge, Arthur Craig, Sybil Forrest, Haughton Fullwood, Albert Henry Hong, Fu Jackson, James R Johnson, Robert Lamorna-Birch, S J Lindsay, Percy Lister Lister, William Marriott - Burton, Harry McKay, Eric Muir Auld, James Nedela, Janis Perry, Adelaide Power, Harold Septimus Rehfisch, Alison School, English Shaw, James Shead, Garry Somerville, Stuart Soper, James Thomas Spowers, Ethel Steadman, Jason Storrier, Tim Syme, Eveline Watt, Amy Williams, Rhys
(William) Rubery Bennett was born in Brisbane (1893 – 1987) and studied at the Royal Queensland Art Society School in Brisbane. He was Secretary-General of this school for some years, before moving to Sydney where during 1930-40 he conducted the Rubery Bennett Art Gallery, dealing mostly
in Australian impressionistic paintings. He was one of the first to exhibit the work of Tom Garrett (1929) and later himself became a popular painting of late impressionistic landscape, his aim being to capture the pervading light of summer landscapes, his preferred subject matter. He worked mainly in New South Wales. His paintings have become well regarded and a number appeared in leading art auction houses during the 1980’s and 90’s.
He is represented National Gallery of Australia, National Gallery of Victoria and the Queensland Art Gallery.
Oil on board
23 cm x 28 cm